When Your Sense of Safety Is Taken Away

Dear friend(s) who have ever walked, hiked, or ran at Mill Creek Park (or ANYWHERE for that matter), I write this letter to you to make you aware. We must always be aware of our surroundings. We must always pay attention to location, who we are passing, safe places, ways out of trails. Why? To stay SAFE. Why am I just now writing this letter? Because until Monday, June 4, 2018, I have always felt safe and confident running by myself no matter where I am, but especially at Mill Creek Park. Mill Creek, since discovering trails, has always been my go-to place to get away. I love the beauty and peacefulness of the trail. I love the ability to run/walk/explore...to always find something new in a place I know and love so well. On June 4th, that safety and love was stripped from me. Monday, early afternoon, I headed out on what I thought would be the first of a plethora of summer runs on the trail. Some runs would be solo while others would be shared wi...