Getting to Know Me

If you liked my old blog (The Running English Teacher), hopefully you will like this one. I love writing, but I hated that I felt locked in to only talking about running in the old blog, so that is the reason for the creation of Searching for Allison. I promise that running will be discussed in MOST entries, but Searching for Allison leaves me the creative license to rant, ponder, create, whine, praise, etc. however I see fit on any given day. THIS IS ME (in case people I don't know find this blog...and I hope they do... so be sure to tell EVERYONE to follow me): One would think that at age 36, I would have my life pretty well figured out, but let me tell you, that is absolutely NOT the case. In fact, in some ways, I think I am even more lost! One area where I am 100% comfortable is in my career. I love Minerva High School and its community. I love the kids I teach and would do anything for them. I actually LOVE that I am back to teaching almost all 9th grade...