Reflections on 36

Life is a beautiful journey. 
Even when life is at its ugliest, there is beauty around every turn. 
There are always new lessons to be learned, more love to be felt, more challenges to complete and more growing to do.

36 was perhaps one of the best years of my life. 
36 brought me the following (abridged version...and in no particular order):

...a house (with awesome neighbors)
...Willow (my darling cat) daughter growing and maturing...becoming a district champ at volleyball...and becoming a swimmer...following in my footsteps

...becoming closer with my family

...learning how to be (somewhat) independent. 
    I can now say I know how to mow the lawn all by myself, keep a snow-free driveway, and rake
...learning about myself
...getting rid of toxic people in my life
...welcoming old friends back
...learning what it means to truly be happy

One thing you may notice that is missing from above is anything pertaining to running/PRs/Podiums, etc.  36 was not the year for me athletically; however, upon reflecting, I realize this is a good thing because it allowed for growth in areas that may have not seen growth if I was fully submerged in my athletics.  So, why was this missing?  Injury after injury led to an excessive amount of time off. 

Which is ok, because it allowed my body and mind to heal in this area and prepare for the future.  Any running/biking that was done in 2017 was purely for the love and the fun of the run.  It was a nice and much-needed change of pace, even if it was forced!

True happiness is one trait that caught me off guard this year, and it goes to show that happiness in the form of a relationship comes when you are least expecting it.  Even though life doles out its fair share of trials and tribulation, there is comfort knowing that it all happens for a reason-- to lead us to something bigger, better, more profound, more real than you could have ever imagined...true happiness is contained in smiles, experiences (big and small), in holding hands in the car, in laughing at yourself in front of others  True happiness comes in trying things that are outside of your comfort zone, and not worrying what others think.  Happiness comes in wanting only the person, not the material aspects of a relationship. Happiness comes in giving of yourself, in patience, listening, and genuinely wanting the best for the other person.

Along with true happiness always lingers a bit of the not ever wanting to let someone not wanting to get saying something your heart and mind feels and knows, but being unsure the feeling is reciprocal. 

However, risks must be taken in life to allow the full potential of something to grow and flourish.

I have loved every passing minute of 36...all 325, 600 minutes:  the good, the bad, the ugly, 
because each minute made me who I am today, and I love the person I have become.

As much as I would like to talk about 37...I will save my hopes, dreams, and exciting news for the end of 2017, looking into 2018 blog that will be out soon!

As always, thank you for reading!!!


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