Hi There. Remember Me?

Hi there!!!! It has been, what seems like, forever since I have last tickled the keys to write a blog. However, today it seemed timely to do so as I will be missing yet another event I signed up for: The Pro-Football Hall of Fame Half Marathon. In the past I would be devasted to miss such an event; however, I find myself calmly reading through everyone's posts about the last run before the big day, etc. As I realized there wasn't much emotion from my end, I started to reflect on the reason why. Here is what I have come up with. For a period of about five plus years, my name was synonymous with running. That was all I did and all I cared about. I cared about times, being fast, medaling, etc. Every weekend was filled with driving and racing...driving sometimes over 2 hours to run only a 5k. Once I transitioned to trails, I lost my love for the road, but running and I continued to have one thing in common: it was an escape...a means to get away......