The Quiet Struggle

WARNING: If you do not want to read about (my) health struggle do NOT READ THIS POST... Hi there! It has been quite a while since I have sat down and had a conversation with myself; yet, here I am. I am not sure why today is the day the conversation is restarting. I am not sure what I am hoping to get out of the conversation (perhaps just a way to allow for others, and myself, to understand the struggles that have been going on. I am not sure whether people even care (and it is fine if they don't). This post will be transparent, and that will lead some to negative talk me to my face, but more likely behind my back, and that too is ok. One thing I try to preach is that you are always going to be on someone's list, for whatever reason. The haters are going to hate, but the true friends (and family) will be there with you every step of the way. I have not had many people with me on this journey the past 4 months because I don't spill what i...