
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Struggle Continues

As many of you know, I have been diagnosed with PCOS.  It is a gem of a disease that really is different for each person diagnosed as is how it is dealt with.   Thanks to my first two prescriptions (metformin and spironolactone), we seem to have gotten my periods to be predictable and not as bad, which is definitely a win; however, the back pain and getting sick (I will spare you the details) prior to my period are still there and at times unbearable.  I also notice I have dark circles under my eyes almost always (another PCOS symptom).   Of course, one of the most trying symptoms of PCOS is weight gain, and it is with this symptom I struggle with the most.  Every time I go to my PCP or my ObGyn, we talk about how I am in the Obese category and how this is unacceptable.  I know this.  It breaks my heart and mind to be in this category. I literally cry about it at least once a week (shout out to my amazing husband for dealing with me). I do so...