75 Hard Challenge...A Reflection

When my friends approached me about getting in on this challenge I was game, but I honestly wasn't sure that I would be successful. If you look at the number (75) it doesn't seem too daunting, but as the days go by (good and bad) you start to realize what a long haul the number 75 actually is. For those of you who didn't read the last blog, the 75 hard challenge requires the following: 1. drink a gallon of water a day 2. no sweets 3. no alcohol 4. follow a healthy eating plan 5. read 10 minutes of non-fiction daily 6. take a daily progress picture 7. move your body twice a day for 45 minutes (one of which has to be outdoors) **my group of gal pals modified #6 to be more realistic with our schedules. We settled on one daily workout of 45 minutes (location did not matter) Today, March 16 culminates the 75 days for us, and gosh darn it I DID IT...THE WHOLE FREAKING THING! Was it easy? NOPE. Did I love every...