75 Hard Challenge...A Reflection

 When my friends approached me about getting in on this challenge I was game, but I honestly wasn't sure that I would be successful. If you look at the number (75) it doesn't seem too daunting, but as the days go by (good and bad) you start to realize what a long haul the number 75 actually is.

For those of you who didn't read the last blog, the 75 hard challenge requires the following:

1. drink a gallon of water a day

2. no sweets

3. no alcohol

4. follow a healthy eating plan

5. read 10 minutes of non-fiction daily

6. take a daily progress picture

7. move your body twice a day for 45 minutes (one of which has to be outdoors)

    **my group of gal pals modified #6 to be more realistic with our schedules. 

        We settled on one daily workout of 45 minutes (location did not matter)

Today, March 16 culminates the 75 days for us, and gosh darn it I DID IT...THE WHOLE FREAKING THING!  

Was it easy? NOPE. 

Did I love every minute of it? NOPE. 

Did I shed a few tears and have some breakdowns? YUP. 

Did I learn a lot about myself in the process?  YUP.  

I honestly thought the water was going to be the hardest thing for me, but once I got past the first week or so, I had the drinking (and peeing) down to a science, and regardless of if I am doing another round of this challenge or not, I will continue to drink water like it is my job, as I think it has helped to keep me healthy over the course of the winter. I once in a while missed dessert and a glass of wine, but those were pretty easy to toss to the side, and I will say that the past 75 days has thrown a lot of stressful situations my way in which it would have been easy to have a nightly (instead of weekly) glass of cab, so I think it was  opportune that my 75 days lined up with the stress in my life. By no means is that stress rectified (although it should be, but that is a different story), but I feel confident in just chugging water with lemon if I get stressed out.

Now to my FAVORITE part of this challenge:  READING. I love to read as it is, and I love to read all genres, but I liked being submerged into the world of non-fiction/ self help.  Over 75 days, I read 11 books.  Some were winners, some were duds, and some were just eh.  Here is a list of what I read the ** denotes the ones I loved and learned from and will likely revisit.

Own Your Every Day:  Jordan Lee Dooley

Calm the F*** Down:  Sarah Knight and Sasha O'Hara

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Marie Kondo

**How to be Fine:  Jolenta Greenberg and Kristen Meinzer

Solutions and Other Problems:  Allie Brosh

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself: Shad Helmstetter

**The Little Book of Hygge:  Meik Wiking

**The Five Love Languages:  Gary Chapman

**The Body is Not an Apology:  Sonya Renee Taylor

**Pantsdrunk:  Miska Rantanen

****Bravey:  Alexi Pappas (this was my FAVORITE OF THE FAVORITES, I literally just want to read this over and over and over and over and over again)

My LEAST favorite part? The daily workouts.  This might stymie you if you know me on any kind of a personal level (or even just are a follower on social media), but here is the thing:  Yes, I know that yoga and stretching and all that non-high impact stuff technically counts as moving your body; however, I HATE yoga (but that is besides the point). Here IS the point:  some days your body needs REST...like, do NOTHING rest.  There were some days over the course of the 75 days that I had no business working out based on what was going on with my body; however, I was committed, and dammit, I was not going to have to start back at zero, so I pushed through a run and lift session or a bike and lift session.  Doing this is taxing on the body, mind and soul, and not always in a good way.

I know what you are thinking:  This is all great, but what is the end result of the 75 day challenge?

Before I answer this, let me say one more thing. When or if you decide to do a challenge like this or attempt to lose weight, or start running or lifting, or whatever your goal may be...make sure you are doing it for YOU.  There were many times in my life prior to this where I thought I was making healthy choices for me, but really, I was making them because they were attached to ultimatums that were not healthy, thus they were for someone else.  I have been on both sides of the weight struggle...EXTREMELY HEAVY and UNDERWEIGHT, neither place is a healthy place to be physically or mentally, but you can't find that "sweet spot" until you do it for you and have the right support system in place.  For me, that support system came in my gal pals, my husband, and my mom, and luckily my friends proposed this challenge at a time when I was ready to bite. 

Finally, don't let anyone else define your success; I know it is hard not to compare yourself to others (I stilllll struggle with this), but you are YOU...that is what makes you special and freaking awesome. My struggles and strengths are different from yours and that is ok; our journeys will not be the same or look the same, but we CAN use each other for support.

THE RESULTS: In 75 days I lost 24.4 pounds and 17.7 inches.

From when I really started paying attention to myself a few months earlier I have lost 41.1 pounds and close to 31 inches.

I would like to lose 13 more pounds, but as I discuss with my doctor at my monthly follow ups, my "new normal" may need redefined, and I need to start looking at that "new normal" in a more positive light.  Sure, it is easy to focus on my shitty metabolism or genes or how unfair it is that I have to work so hard to stay at a "new normal", but I am slowly realizing and embracing I need to celebrate what my body can still do at this "new normal".  I am awesome. I am loved by those who matter, including myself, and at the end of the day that is enough to put a smile on my face and keep me pushing forward.

75 days is a long time, but holy heck can you grow as a person in those 75 days if you align yourself with the right people, and the most important person/people to have in your ring are those with whom you live, because they have to understand and respect you and your why and support  you and not try to sabotage you!  I am thankful I have that and will have that again when round two starts in the somewhat near future (but first, yes, I need to go and have a nice celebratory meal with a glass of wine with the love of my life). I will pass on the sweets still, as that will likely through my body into instant sickness!


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