Cleveland (Half) Marathon 2022: All the Feels

If you would have told me six months ago I would be able to run a half marathon, I would have laughed...or cried...or both.  After life saving surgery on December 7, 2021, I knew the recovery process was going to be a long, slow journey.  I knew it was going to be a journey where I appreciated literally every step I took.  

The first month of recovery allowed me NO physical activity other than small walks around the block a few times a day at a snail's pace (or slower).


I was only allowed to walk, and the doctor made it clear I could walk as long as I wanted and as far as I wanted, but walking was it. So, walk I did:  304.2 miles to be exact.


After two months of no running, I finally got the ok to run by the doc. Of course, this did not mean FULL ON running, it meant in small increments with still mostly walking with the guidance and help of my trusty PT/bestie Cait. I also got to add biking and lifting (light weights) to the mix and start doing exercises to strengthen the area that was broken down by surgery. This month saw 170.3 miles of run/walking, and 33 bike rides totaling 1281 minutes. I also started to add yoga into the mix.

It was late in this month when I found out I was chosen to be an ambassador for the CLE Marathon for 2022.  I was actually shocked to be picked (I am pretty sure I attempted this ambassador thing before, but I was THRILLED to be chosen!)  I was also nervous and reached out to my BFF Cait to consult about this opportunity. We decided that as long as I just wanted to have fun this was definitely a good opportunity for me. This race is near and dear to my heart for a few reasons. First: Cleveland is home.  Second: in 2010 Cleveland is where I ran my first marathon. I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to promote a race and city I love. This race was at the perfect time to be my welcome back run and HOORAY I AM STILL HERE celebratory run!


Basically all systems were a go at this point for running. I was still left trying to regulate my insides and my new normal with having a foot and a half of my colon removed (I will spare you the details of what this means). March saw 195.7 miles of run/walking and 13 bike rides.


This month I felt more like myself and saw some nice progress in my run/walks.  I totaled 204.1 miles and biked 11 times. I also ran the Run Like a God 10 Miler in Cleveland in 1:25:24!


RACE WEEKEND May 20-May 22

On Friday, mom and I drove to #theland to volunteer at the expo. We had so much fun assigning bibs for the full marathon and chatting with veterans and newbies alike!  I also ran into a long-time friend Vince (whom I haven't seen in 25ish years...I must look like I did when I was a kid!!!), who was toeing the line at his very first marathon!  I also ran into so many other friends (Kristi, Stephanie (fellow ambassador), Melissa (fellow ambassador, with whom I got to spend extra time with at the expo getting to know working at the Info booth), Joe, Spencer (fellow ambassador, who I got to know better working with at Marathon Pick up; we had fun chatting it up about the trails)...just to name a few).  It was like I was supposed to be there!  

After a long, but awesome day of volunteering, mom and I headed to the VIP reception at the Westin and had a lovely evening getting to know Christina Toth (another ambassador from Atown) and her parents. We also got to hear some really cool stories from a legacy runner and ate some fab food!

On Saturday, I was back home in Atown and did a short shake out run (2 miles) and walk (1.8 miles).  Mark and I then headed up to CLE where we checked into The Westin (the host hotel) and then explored where the start/finish was going to be. We also re-visited the expo.  We were supposed to go to The Red Steakhouse for supper, but the impending severe weather prodded us to change our plans. We ended up eating at what was the Urban Farmer, and it did NOT disappoint.  It was not crowded, the service was excellent, and the food was even better.  We went upstairs, watched the storm roll in, watched some of the PGA championship, and went to sleep.

Sunday was the day I had been waiting for....the day I got to toe the line in a city I love, with thousands of "friends".  Of course, seeing Stephanie prior to the race made the start to the morning a GREAT ONE!

So many people asked what my goal or plan was, and the answer was simple:  HAVE FUN and be thankful I had the opportunity and ability to be there.  

The weather was goofy, for lack of a better word. It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold, but it also was NOT just right. It WAS humid, but it could have been worse, that is for sure.  The National Anthem was sung, the Cavs HYPE GUY got us well, hyped, and we were off.  

I wish I could tell you I remember everything about the course: I don't. 

I remember smiling (most) of the time.

I remember high-fiving little kids and punching power-up signs.

I remember stopping at every aid station, knowing the lack of proper fueling would come back and haunt me later in the race with the humidity.

I remember going back and forth with Steph and Brian, and Steph smacking my a$$. We have a long-time friendship (sorority sisters (ZTAs @ ONU), friends, and now fellow CLE ambassadors). Which made this event THAT MUCH MORE SPECIAL FOR ME <3

I remember running by the Rock Hall and the Browns Stadium (I think), and I def remember running under the chandelier in Playhouse Square...that was freaking cool!

I remember the HILLLLLLLLS (yes, in Cleveland). Guardian Bridge...mile 9...mile 11 or 12...there were lots of them.

I remember alllllllll the crowd support and seeing my friends Carl and Lori around mile 10 or 11.

I remember lots of dogs and saying, "Your dog is so cute" a million times.

I remember seeing the finish line clock realizing I would break 2 hours using the run/walk (5:1) method (1:56:43) and seeing my husband.  

My heart burst. I had done it.  I beat the odds. 

Since December 7th I have been battling, working my butt off, and it was on May 22nd that everything came full circle and I can say I fully have survived my ordeal.  I could not have done this without the love and support of my family, friends, and CLE Ambassador Crew.

Over the course of three months and a three day weekend, I feel I have become interconnected with the CLE Ambassador Crew. This group of men and women are all remarkable and are all battlers and most importantly we are all friends.  We each have traveled a unique journey to get to the finish line of the 2022 season, but we did it together, and often across the miles, which is remarkable.

Two days after the half was done, we received our email with our race photos.  Usually I LOATHE my photos and delete them faster than I can see them; however, this time was different. As I  was scanning through the 15 photos that "matched my face" there was nothing but PURE JOY in the vast majority of them.  This was new, and something I have never witnessed on my face in a race photo.  My heart again burst!


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