July Rantings...Er...I Mean...July Reflections.

July has been a good month to me for several reasons. 1. I got to go on vacation to St. Augustine with my family, catch up with some friends, and this is where I started running for the first time in quite a while. 2. I got to go to Niagra Falls (with most excellent company) and experience how beautiful and awesome mother nature is and be reminded of how small I am in this whole game of life. 3. My running went from non-existent to capping at just above 80 miles (82.9 miles to be exact) for the month (a few were even with my mini-me and on the trails). So all in all I have no room to complain; however, because I am always honest and open (perhaps so much so that it can be deemed a fault) I will share some of my frustrations and what I am learning. To begin, it has been roughly three months that I have not had full mobility in my left leg. This is frustrating. The easiest way for me to test my mobility is by trying to get in...