When It Is Worth The Proverbial Good Fight

Sometimes we fight too hard for something from which no good can come. Sometimes we don't fight hard enough for what could be one of the best aspects of our life. I find this is especially true in friendships, love, and athletics. In 36 years, I know there is no formula, there is no flashing neon lights to help guide the way. We simply have our mind, our heart, and our intuition. And those three things can be a deadly combination, often at odds with one another. However, through trial and error, clarity often does start to creep into one's decision making. Nothing in life that is good or true is easy, and it is in that fight, where the end result will be the best thing to happen to you, that you often find yourself, and perhaps even what was missing for oh so many years. ...like smiling bigger and broader than normal ...like going out of your way to do something out of want, not necessity ...like finding so much joy and happiness in the smallest of...